How Corporate Brands are Using Deep Learning Right Now

Deep learning might sound like futuristic, sci-fi mumbo jumbo, but it’s a technology that’s being used right now all around us. In fact, the leading tech companies are making their deep learning applications open source, pushing the industry forward and making their findings available to startups, including Google, Facebook and IBM. This technology is revolutionizing all aspects of modern life, including commerce, marketing, energy production and healthcare.

That sounds very utopian, but what deep learning applications are being put to practice right now by corporate brands? Let’s check out some broad uses for the technology and explore their specific examples. By seeing which industries lead in artificial intelligence and machine learning, we can extrapolate the best uses of the technology for corporate brands today.

What is Deep Learning?

First, what is it, and why does it have so much to offer society? Simply put, deep and machine learning are the use of neural networks to train artificial intelligence to interpret, organize or differentiate data. This is used by feeding the software a gargantuan amount of data. Rather than be programmed to fulfill a certain task, algorithms are left to learn how to do so given the data that’s supplied. The best machine learning systems learn how to perform a task more accurately (or much faster than) a human. That said, human trainers play an essential role in the artificial intelligence’s development.

Deep Learning Applications in Image Recognition

Advanced image recognition powered by deep and machine learning gives artificial intelligence and machines “eyes” to see and interpret visual stimuli. This is achieved by feeding an algorithm databases of images to find categorizable similarities between them. For example, photos containing cats versus photos containing dogs. Once the machine can distinguish the content of images, it can organize them without the need for manual metadata tagging.

One machine learning use you may have experienced already is on Pinterest. This platform, among the leading social e-commerce platforms available, connects visually similar pins/images. Throw retailer pins into the mix and you’ve got an infrastructure for turning any image or video into a potential ad referral. This is a huge development for Pinterest, which thrives on inspiring consumers with crafts, home goods and more.

This application is obvious: it provides an irresistible revenue stream for image-heavy networks like Pinterest. But video platforms and bloggers alike could make use of such a technology, too: if you’re hosting images, why not connect them with visually similar products that your audience can buy then and there?

A Deep Learning Startup that Makes Breakthroughs

Atomwise is an artificial intelligence that looks at molecular compounds known to be effective in fighting disease. Then, it uses that information to develop treatments for diseases both new and old. Think of it as a giant brainstorming application that’s constantly finding new drug possibilities by tapping into swaths of medical research data.

Why is this necessary? Because the pharmaceutical industry is a lot of trial and error. Only a small part of its research results in commercially viable drugs. By focusing on known, proven compounds approved by the FDA, the tech quickens the development of usable treatments.

Not every brand will have such lofty goals, but this use of artificial intelligence is increasingly necessary for the vast amounts of data generated by a company’s given users. A deep learning startup like Atomwise shows how brands and corporations can quickly develop new patterns and conclusions from the market research and/or user data they receive.

Artificial Intelligence Powered Marketing

By making it easier than ever to find strong leads, deep learning is the holy grail for marketing. MetaMind, now acquired by Salesforce, jumped on the scene by offering sentiment analysis across social media to determine the viability of leads. Today, the application is used by Salesforce for automating customer support and providing a personalized experience.

MarianaIQ works similarly. It taps into consumer databases to determine which individuals make a client’s best prospects. Without machine learning, it would take humans ages to process such data. Corporations will want to use a similar deep learning startup to ensure they’re targeting consumers unlikely to churn or who will get the most from their brand. Also, this is essential for connecting on social media; this artificial intelligence will help brands work more proactively with social listening.

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