After Bot Spotlight Demo Day with 500 Startups

On Thursday, February 16th, Bot Spotlight Demo Day with 500 Startups took place in T-Jump. After having networking time, all startups started to pitch. Around 75 attendees joined and had their drinks while listening to the startups.


10 bot startups and bot makers pitched their decks and demos to the 500 Startups partner.

These companies were at Bot Spotlight:

  • oratio​ — David Pichsenmeister​ — oratio is a platform which helps businesses to connect with their customers on messengers through personal & automated conversations.
  • NearGroup​ — Prashant Pitti​ — Speed dating chatbot (200k-500k chats per day)
  •​ — Sam Udotong​ — Uses machine learning to automatically create tasks from conversations in Slack and route them to Trello/Asana/etc
  • — Dan Gailey​ — Monetization for bots
  • Nerdify — Alexey Pokatilo — The first AI enabled personal tutor bot. A bot that aims to answer any study related question in seconds from solving math equations to giving the dates of historic events and more.

Visabot — Andrey Zinoviev — Visabot is an AI-empowered solution streamlining U.S. visa process

BeAware — Oksana Zavoyko — Be Aware is a virtual mindfulness assistant to help busy entrepreneurs prevent stress and burnouts. — Michal Wroczynski —’s technology powers chatbots so they can learn automatically from the internet. Also, they can answer complex questions based on a large volume of text.

Sumi — Tam Le- Sumi assumes personality of a friendly teenager, and is understanding and funny to users. Basically, Sumi is a teenager’s friend, if you are bored, Sumi will have something to entertain you.

Langston the Librarian — Alex Park —For people who wish they read more. Read any classic (1984, Macbeth, etc.) in bite-sized chunks with the help of a reading assistant.

You can watch the whole event on our Facebook video below.

We’ll be organizing the next Demo Day in NYC, with another to follow shortly after in SF. Follow our Facebook, Twitter, or join group Bot Fellows for more details.

If you would like to pitch your demo for the next ones, please fill out this form.

At Botanalytics, we help your bot be awesome by providing conversational analytics. We’d be happy to boost your bot’s performance. Sign up for free to enjoy our rocking features!